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Sound Bites

It is my pleasure to share my 9th album of original compositions for piano, Sound Bites. How is this album different from the others? Well, the compositions are significantly longer, on average, than those on my previous albums and, for the first time, I have not included any pieces composed before I started producing studio albums ten years ago. Moreover, the studio has a new grand piano!

Conversation Pieces, Vol. 2

I have been composing piano music since I was six. My first piece was “Let’s Go to the Bakery,” which, unfortunately, was written a few months too late for me to have played it at Woodstock. Conversation Pieces is a compilation of some of my favorite pieces from the last few decades. So that I could share more of these “highlights” with you, I have edited most of the pieces.

Noteworthy Sentiments

I am pleased to present Noteworthy Sentiments, my 11th album of original compositions for piano. All of the pieces were composed as gifts for people important to me, sometimes for celebration and sometimes to provide support or consolation. It was completed at the start of the COVID pandemic in 2020, a memorable time for us all.

Wild Pitches

I am pleased to present Wild Pitches, my sixth collection of original compositions for piano. This album differs from the first five in that I am the only pianist to perform, but I want Korin, Derek, Ellie, and Ben to know that I do forgive them for leaving me all alone this time. Although I had no pianist collaborators, I am grateful that I was able to borrow the great vocal talent of Joe Church for “Eclipse.”

Spare Keys

It is a pleasure for me to introduce Spare Keys, the fourth in my series of CD’s of original compositions for piano. Once again, I have attempted to produce pieces in a variety of styles and it is my hope that everyone who listens will be able to find at least a few compositions to enjoy. My son, Ben, has contributed an exciting new piece entitled “Storm at Sea” and Ellie, my daughter, demonstrates her versatility by playing three instruments on “Beholding Three Eleanors.”

Medical Records

I am proud to present Medical Records, my tenth album. For this project, I have had the honor of collaborating with two other pianist-composers who happen to work, as I do, at the University of Michigan Hospital: Errick Thomas and Daniel Cronin. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with these two talented musicians.

Chords on the Table

It is a pleasure for me to introduce Chords on the Table, the eighth in my series of CD’s of original compositions for piano. With the exception of The Bones Song, all of the pieces were newly composed within the last six months or so (though I should mention that this CD does feature a greater emphasis on improvisation in the recording studio).

Ear Drops

This is the first of my albums that will be presented only on-line. I will be adding new pieces to it as they are composed and recorded. This new approach is very exciting for me. I can now share the pieces immediately upon completion; previously, I had to wait until I had completed all of the tracks on an album. That wasn’t easy!

Digital Medicine

I’m pleased to present my second digital album, “Digital Medicine.” I’ll be adding new compositions just as soon as they are completed and recorded!

Conversation Pieces, Vol. 3

This is the final album of edited versions of some of my favorite compositions. It was difficult for me to choose among them, as each is special to me in some way! Often, I made the decisions based on my desire to present as many different compositional styles as possible. Sometimes, I excluded a longer piece in favor of two shorter pieces, just so I could share more compositions!